Picture at Aunt Ora's farm

Picture at Aunt Ora's farm


Monday, August 8, 2011

Sue's first post

Well here goes my first blog post.  I'm really not sure why I've had to think about this for so long.  Anyone who knows me, knows that talking has NEVER been a problem for me.

First I guess I want to talk about Kathleen and me.  We are four years apart.  I got married to Marty on Kathleen's 13th birthday, which made me 17.(Yes,I know-my parents must have been crazy-or just tired).  Needless to say- I missed out of all of Kathleen's teenage problems-or not problems.  It was a nice surprise to find out after all these years how much alike-yet not alike we really are.  I am going to borrow a famous saying-or song- and say I'm a little bit country and Kathleen's a little bit rock-n-roll.  She loves the city and all the activities and things a big city has to offer.  I want to be as far away from the city as I can.  She loves Asian music and foreign films with subtitles.  I thought mandarin was an orange and if I have to work at watching a movie I'd fall asleep.  We do share a lot of interest.  We both love music, animals and our family.  We both like to sew and redo used items.  We both love to shop at thrift stores. I think Kathleen is a remarkable person and I really admire her for her many wonderful qualities.  She is so thoughtful and carries through with nice things that I do think about, but somehow never seem to get around to.  I love her very much and feel truly Blessed to have her as my sister.

I am looking forward to sharing this Blog, our lives and our quest to a long and healthier life.

Love you Kathleen!!!!


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