Picture at Aunt Ora's farm

Picture at Aunt Ora's farm


Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have been feeling a little melancholy lately, which has come somewhat as a surprise to me.  My oldest brother & his wife bought our parents home a few years back, but now my brother is going to retire and they will be moving out and on to new adventures.  When my sister-in-law told me she would let me know when she was having the phone disconnected, I felt like someone had hit me in the stomach.

The reason this came as such of a surprise to me is because, I really only lived in California from Aug. 1969 to March 1975.  Not really that long, and I guess I  have always thought of Texas as home and now Minnesota.  The part that hurt, was that it has been "THE HOME" phone number for 38+ years.  In my mind I knew the day would come, but I guess it feels like an ending.  Age has never been something that has bothered me, but I guess I am getting to that stage of my life.  I look in the mirror and see my Mom.  That's not a bad thing, it's just I'm not sure what I have been doing, that life just snuck up on me.

Don't get me wrong, there are definitely advantages to getting older.  There is the AARP card (the discounts are great), & in 7 months I get the senior discount at our local grocery store.  I can love on my grandchildren and send them home.  I get to listen to them tell their parents "We're at Grandma's now" and I just smile at my children. And let us not forget Menopause.  I tell my kids (& husband, when necessary) that some women go crazy and kill for seemingly little things.  (That's not a threat or anything).  Also I can forget things and I really have an excuse.

 I guess you have to have endings to have beginnings.  I really do wish my brother Kenneth & his wife Virginia good luck on this next phase of their lives and send them love and wishes for true joy.

Isn't life GRAND!!!


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